We’re behind you for the road ahead

A SEAT Service Plan is a convenient way to maintain your car over 2 years, with the option of a single upfront payment or fixed monthly instalments. It removes the complexity and uncertainty of looking after your car – and gives you peace of mind that your SEAT is in the capable hands of SEAT trained technicians.

Discover More below.

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All-in from SEAT

Every SEAT is special, even those that have clocked up a few journeys, that’s why we treat every car the same. All-in from SEAT is available on any model aged between 3 – 6 years, with an engine less than 2.0 litres and that has covered less than 100,000 miles at the point of All-in Activation.

For just £37.50 a month, you get:

  • Up to 2 years’ Warranty
  • 2 years’ Roadside Assistance
  • 2 services
  • 2 MOTs
  • Pollen filter
  • Spark plugs/diesel fuel filter 
  • Air filter

Make Enquiry


Is my vehicle eligible?

All-in has been designed for vehicles that:

  • Are between 3 and 6 years old at point of activation
  • Are a SEAT with an engine size of 2.0L or less
  • Have done under 100,000 miles at point of activation
  • Don’t have a service plan already in place

The following vehicles are not eligible for cover:

  • Battery electric vehicles (BEV)
  • Vehicles powered by fuel cell or liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
  • Public hire/private hire vehicles
  • Vehicles that have a service plan already in place

Make Enquiry

SEAT Ibiza in red 2023 lifestyle image tsi

The All-in from SEAT policy cover includes:

2 x ServicesIncluded
Pollen filterIncluded
Spark plugs/diesel fuel filterIncluded
2 x MOTs***Included
2 years’ Roadside AssistanceIncluded
2 years’ WarrantyIncluded
Total RRP£1,474.70
All-in PriceAll-in £696 (or £29 per month)

The All-in from SEAT policy cover includes:

2 x ServicesIncluded
Pollen filterIncluded
​Spark plugs/diesel fuel filter​Included
2 x MOTs***Included
2 years’ Roadside Assistance Included
2 years’ WarrantyIncluded
Total RRP£1,474.70
All-in PriceAll-in £900 (or £37.50 per month)

Learn what you get when you go All-in

Watch our video guide for a more visualised explanation:
SEAT All-in header Image

Terms & Conditions

*Valid for vehicles aged 3 to 6 years, with a 2.0L engine or less and under 100,000 miles at activation. Terms, eligibility criteria and exclusions apply. Valid MOT required. Excludes electric vehicles and vehicles with an existing service plan. Vehicles that have been out of a warranty (that has been provided by SEAT UK or SEAT Financial Services) for more than 30 days will have a no-claim period of 30 days at the start of their policy. The All-in Warranty does not cover any vehicle already covered under any other guarantee, insurance, warranty and/or gesture of goodwill. SEAT Financial Services.

**Saving based on differential between cost of All-in plan with national pay as you go RRP pricing for servicing, MOT and Roadside Assistance. Complimentary Warranty value is based on the average 2 year cost of Extended Warranty policies (with All Component Cover, unlimited mileage, and £0 excess) prices valid until 6/1/2025 for SEAT vehicles aged 3 to 6 years, with a 2.0L engine or less, and that have not been out of warranty for more than 30 days. Actual saving will be dependent on your vehicle.

***Price based off SEAT National Fixed Price Servicing for cars over 3 years old.