Škoda Enyaq
Contract Hire Offers
Take a look at the fantastic Škoda Enyaq contract hire offers available from Pulman Fleet.
If you would like a bespoke offer based on your requirements please get in touch.
Škoda Contract Hire
Enyaq Coupe 85 Edition finance offer
^Personal Contract Hire Representative Example - VAT Included
Duration | 36 months |
Monthly Rental Term | 6+35 |
Monthly Rental | £502.69 |
Initial Rental | £3,016.15 |
Average Miles per year | 10,000 |
Excess Mileage (per mile) | 9.89p |
*Business Contract Hire Representative Example - VAT Excluded
Duration | 36 months |
Monthly Rental Term | 6+35 |
Monthly Rental | £418.91 |
Initial Rental | £2,513.46 |
Average Miles per year | 10,000 |
Excess Mileage (per mile) | 8.24p |
For a bespoke quotation contact:
Claire Huitson on 07921 852 359 or via email chuitson@pulmanfleet.co.uk.
Terms and Conditions:
^Personal Contract Hire. No ownership. Contract Hire Rentals without maintenance are based upon an initial rental in advance followed by monthly rentals thereafter an excess charge will apply if the contract mileage is exceeded. Rentals are inclusive of VAT and are subject to manufacturer price rises and changes in government legislation. At the end of the agreement the vehicle and ownership rights will stay with Volkswagen Finance. Offer available for vehicles ordered and delivered by 30/09/2024. Offers may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Further charges may apply when vehicle is returned, subject to the contract fair wear and tear guidelines and mileage. Finance subject to status. Available to 18s and over. Subject to availability. *Business Contract Hire. No ownership. Business Users Only. Contract Hire Rentals without maintenance are based upon an initial rental in advance followed by monthly rentals thereafter an excess charge will apply if the contract mileage is exceeded. Rentals are exclusive of VAT at 20% and are subject to manufacturer price rises and changes in government legislation. At the end of the agreement the vehicle and ownership rights will stay with Volkswagen Finance. Offer available for vehicles ordered and delivered by 30/09/2024. Offers may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Further charges may apply when vehicle is returned, subject to the contract fair wear and tear guidelines and mileage. Finance subject to status. Available to 18s and over. Subject to availability.